Saturday, 15 December 2012

Little Fung Walk

First post and am still not sure what im doing or how this Blogger thing works. so this is a test post.

 The day are so short now and im not getting much daylight time to get out and do stuff, time in the garden, walking the dogs, photograph things and get some woodwork done, all has to be compressed in to a few hours. I did get out with the camera today and found a new fung (Tremella mesenterica) fruiting on a wind thrown Oak branch, a nice orange and yellow to brighten up a winters day.

Walking with my camera through a small copse i found some (Auricularia auricula-judae) the Jelly ear fruiting on its favourite host Elder.

My little photo walk was cut short as the showers moved in, one last fung that caught my eye was (Exidia thuretiana) fruiting on Sycamore, its a slimy brain like fungi.

As the showers passed this little water drop seemed to shine through the darkness.